What is a Vector Space? How to determine if its a Vector Space or not?




         The definition of a vector space V, whose elements are called vectors, involves arbitrary filed K, whose elements are called scalars.

         The following notation will be used (unless otherwise stated or implied)

 given vectors space

u,v,w vectors in V

given number field

a,b,c, or k scalars in K


                  The following define the notion of a vector space V, where is the field of scalars.

Definition: Let V be a nonempty set with two operations:

1. Rule of vector addition, which assigns to any u,vV  a sum u+v in V.

2. Rule of vector multiplication, which assigns to any u∈ V and 

   kK a product kuK.

Then V is called a vector space (over the field K) if the following axioms hold:

        [A1]    For any vectors u,v,wV, (u+v)+w = u+(v+w).
        [A2]  There is a vector in V, denoted by 𝟢 and called the zero vector, for which u+𝟢 = 𝟢+u = u for any vector uV.
        [A3]  For each vector uV there is a vector in V, denoted by −u, for which u+(u) = (u) + u = 𝟢
        [A4]  For any vectors u,vV, u+v = v+u .
        [M1]     For any scalar kand any vectors u,vVk(u+v) = ku+kv.
        [M2]    For any scalars a,band any vector uV, (a+b)u = au+bu.  
        [M3]    For any scalars a,band any vector uV, (ab)u = a(bu).
        [M4]    For the unit scalar 1 K, 1u=u  for any vector uV.

    The above axioms naturally split into two sets. The first four are only concerned with the additive structure of and can be summarized by saying that is a commutative group under addition. It follows that any sum of vectors of the form:


requires no parentheses and does not depend on the order of the summands, the zero vector 𝟢 is unique, the negative of u is unique, and the cancellation law holds, that is, for any vectors u,v,w V, we have  

u+w = v+w implies u=v

Also, subtraction is defined by

uv = u+(v)

v is the unique negative of the vector v.

    The remaining four axioms are concerned within the “action” of the field
of scalars on the vectors space V.

Theorem: Let V be a vector space over a field K.

(i).                   For any scalar kK and 0V, k𝟢=𝟢.

(ii).                For 𝟢K and any vector uV𝟢u=𝟢.

(iii).             If ku=𝟢, where kK and uV, then k=𝟢 or  u=𝟢.

(iv).              For any kK and any uV, (k)u=k(u)=ku.



Space Rⁿ

    Recall that Rⁿ denoted the n-tuples of real numbers. Here Rⁿ is viewed as a vector over R, where vectors addition and scalar multiplication are defined by

(a,a,,a )+(b,b,,bₙ )=(a+b,a+b,,aₙ+bₙ)



The zero vector in Rⁿ is the n-tuples of zeros,


and the negative of vector is defined by

(a,a,,aₙ )=(a,a,,a)


Polynomial Space P(t)

         Let P(t) denote the set of all real polynomials


where the coefficients a belong to the real field R. Then P(t) is a vetors space over R using the operations:

1)   Vector addition p(t)+q(t) in P(t) is the usual operation of addition of polynomials.

2)  Scalar multiplication kp(t) in P(t) is the usual operation of the product of a scalar k and a polynomial p(t).

Polynomial Space P(t)

         Let P(t) denote the set of all real polynomials


where the degree of p(t) is less than or equal to n, that is, sn. Then P(t) is a vector space over R with respect to the usual operations of addition of polynomials and of multiplication of polynomial by a constant. We include the zero polynomial 𝟢 as an element of P(t) even though its degree is undefined.

Matrix Space Mₘ̦ₙ

The notation Mₘ̦ₙ or simply M, will be used to denote the set of all m×n matrices whose entries are real numbers. Then Mₘ̦ₙ is a vector space over R with respect to the usual operations of matrix addition and scalar multiplication of matrices.

Fields and Subfields 

         Suppose a field E is an extension of a field K, that is, suppose E is a field which contains a subfield K. Then E may be viewed as a vector space over K using the operations:

              1)   Vector addition u+v in E is the usual addition in E..

2) Scalar multiplication ku in E, where kK and uE, is the usual operation of k and u as elements of E.     

Then the eight axioms of a vector space are satisfied by E and K and the above two operations. That is, E is a vector space over its subfield K. 

Solve Problems on Vector Spaces

Example 1. Suppose u and v belong to a vector space V. Simply each expression:

Example 2. Show that for any scalar k and any vectors u and v, we have k(u-v)=ku-kv.


         Using the definition of subtraction, that uv=u+(v) and the theorem: For any kK and any uV, (-k)u=k(u)=ku, that is,
k(v)=kv, we have 


Example 3. Show that u+u=2u for any vector u.


           Using axiom M4: For the unit scalar 1K,1u=u for any vector uV and then axiom M2: For any scalars a,bK and any vector uV, (a+b)u=au+bu, we have


Example 4. Let V be the set of ordered pairs of real numbers. Show that V is NOT a vector space over R with respect to each of the following operations of additions in V and scalar multiplication on V.



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